17. The Diversity of American Colonial Societies, 1530-1770

The Columbian Exchange

Watch the clip and explain how disease, plants, animals and people had an impact on the Columbian Exchange.

The image below gives you a basic understanding and summary of the Columbian Exchange

Columbian Exchange





The Spanish Empire

Spanish South America

A short history of the Spanish Empire.

The Portuguese Empire

Portuguese South America

Both empires explained via a English port city’s website.

Spanish and Portuguese trade routes

A comparison of both empires

A comparison of the two empires from San Jose State University

A comparison of the two empires from a teacher’s website

The English and French Empires

Bob Newhart on Walter Raleigh

Bob was a popular comedian from yesteryear who had a particular style of comedy. Creating conversations was this style. In this example, he imagines a telephone conversation between Sir Walter Raleigh and businessman in England, explaining what tobacco was.


An interactive website from National Geographic

Possible essays

Spanish and Ottoman empires

A short piece from ‘American essays.com’

From ‘Find the Data.org’

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